NIRISS AMI contrast simulator

The Aperture Masking Interferometry (AMI) mode of NIRISS aboard the James Webb Space Telescope is designed to perform Non-Redundant Aperture Masking (NRM) Interferometry with a 7 hole mask, providing high angular resolution (from less than 0.1 up to 0.4 arcsecond) and moderate contrast (from 3 to 9) in the infrared. Four filters will be available at 2.77, 3.8, 4.3, and 4.8 microns.

AMI observations were simulated for the four filters, target magnitude between 3 and 15 with a 0.5mag sampling, and exposure times between ten minutes up to three hours. The simulated datacubes were then analyzed to derive the contrast curves for each combination of parameters. In this tool, for a given filter, integration time, and target magnitude, the instrument configuration, observing time including overheads and calibrators, and the predicted contrast performances (either extact from the grid or interpolated) are provided to the user.

Usage notes:


Filter name :
Target magnitude (up to 15):
Photon counting time [min] (from 10 to 90):